Monday, January 3, 2011

Idaho U[pdate.

So, both Micah and I felt that our announcement of our move to Idaho was a bit rushed.  We know that in the right timing this move will be the best thing we can do for our family.  But the timing is very important in this whole thing.  What we do know is that it is in our near future, and it is something that we both want to do.

Some people have voiced concerns that we are not being wise and that we are letting impulses control our decision.  That is not actually the case.  We have spent a long time in prayer and thought about this whole thing.  The experiences and hardships that people around us are going through (particularly in the financial area) have made Micah and I really realize the importance of having the right motivation to move, strong discipline and self control in finances, and willingness to wait on the right timing.  

Micah and I had a chance to take a realistic look at our life the other day and make a much better plan for this whole thing.  We were able to set ourselves some goals and recognize the hurdles that need to be overcome before this move so that we can actually make a new start and be totally prepared for what Idaho may have for us. 

I thought that I would share some of those things, so that you can keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare.  Also, to provide some clarity for people who think we are moving tomorrow.  :)

Some of our goals are:
1. Get out of debt.  Hoenstly, theres a few steps with this one.  We have old bills etc that wont be hard to get taken care of.  Our credit card debt is minimal.  Finally, our car loan and student loans are the biggest ones to get taken care of.

2. Have a good chunk of money saved up.  We don;t know what kind of opportunities will be opening up for Micah in the employment arena.  There are a few things in the works, but nothing concrete.  So we know that we need to have enough money saved up to make sure we can have what we need if things don't work out like we are hoping and planning for.

3. Grow.  Theres a lot to this one, but to sum it all up we need to start growing up and getting our life on track.  Quit smoking, get in better shape, find a church.  Those kind of things.  We don;t have to be completely there with this one when we move, but we are definitely wanting to get started on these things.

At this point, we feel like it will take us about a year and a half before we will be able to make the move to Idaho.  We are shooting for next June (2012). So now you can all relax and not worry about us running off before you are ready to say goodbye.  :)

I have all kinds  of thoughts running around in my head, but can't seem to get them all organized, so instead of leaving you all with a rambling list of musings, I'll just sign off now.  And go clean my house, since my lil Angel Monster is a-snooze.  :) 

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