Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Smokeless- Week 2, day 3

So we are on the second week of this whole thing, and honestly, this week has been easy.  I haven't even felt like a cigarette.  Maybe because I have been busy 24/7.  Maybe because I've chosen to put my focus on other things.  I don't really know.  But it hasn't been nearly as hard.  Even though we had a few slips last week, I am still confident and strong in doing this, which is more than half the battle. 

As I have gone longer and longer without cigarettes, I've realized a few things.

1.  I now have an 100 minutes everyday.  10 cigarettes a day, each taking ten minutes.  At first it was a little weird, and I'd have moments of being really bored, but its amazing how fast time goes when you start realizing that you have a shit ton that is yelling for your attention!

2.  I actually smelled a hint of new-ish car smell in my Explorer the other day.  YAY!  it doesn't reek anymore!

3.  Addiction is a scary thing.  Looking at our finances, we would always find a way to get cigarettes.  At any cost.  And that is a huge reason we are behind in so many areas financially, or at the least on the edge.  People around us were put on the back burner if we were short on cash and still had to buy x- amount of cigarettes.  it was crazy.  I never realized how much we sacrificed to make smoking happen everyday.  And its true of any addiction- no matter what, you never go with out whatever it is you "need."  As I said before, I never want to get there again!

Thats a few thoughts for the day today.  My brain has been a monumental mess the last few days, mostly because my house looks like it was just hit by a tornado!  Looks like that 100 minutes is already gone today!

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