Saturday, July 24, 2010

Caution: Intense, Painful, and Not a Fun Read

I recently found out some very disturbing things.  I learned about lies that were told pertaining to my family, and finally found an explanation for some of the questions I had about my former church "family."

The sad part about this is the betrayal and blatant deception that occured.  *Someone* cared more about their salary then people lives, and used his authority and position to deceive a whole congregation of people who admired and respected him.  There is no way to excuse the "story" that was told.  Had there been a small measure of logical truth, maybe I could see past it.  But it is ridiculous! Maybe its the white hair and fatherly voice that made everyone lose their ability to personally and logically think through a situation and analyze what was being fed to them.  I don't really know, but looking back now its obvious that a lot of people fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

Another thing I can't entirely understand is why almost nobody took the time to find out the truth.  No wonder Christians are hated, laughed at and ridiculed by secular culture.  For the most part, they are dumb! Jesus was right when He said they were His sheep.  They follow blindly anyone who looks like they may know something about anything.  Whatever they say is obviously truth, didn't you know? And rather than taking the time to find out for themselves, they move on to the newest worship song or motivational speaker or some such other bullshit.

And while I am glad to have more of the truth in the light, 6 years later, the fallout will be brutal.  The "where do I go from here" is painful and uncomfortable.  But I know a few things.  I will not back down, no matter how hard it is for me or the people around me.  I will not be quiet anymore.  And I am no longer going to pretend to be "okay" with that man.  He or his wife will never again be part of my life, as much as in my power to see that happens.  

In the last 6 years, one thing that I have forever lost is my innocence.  I can never go back to blind trust, and quiet obedience.  I no longer believe that all authority is to be respected.  And never again will I believe that a church is a safe place.  On the contrary, sadly, experience has taught me that it is a place where predators are protected (shit, welcomed!), and there are more lies being shoved down your throat than on a used car lot. And that lose of trust, innocence, and faith is greatly the result of one stuck up, deceitful, and selfish bastard's desire to "not make waves" no matter if the cost was an entire family.

Too bad I wish my story was unique, but in the "Body of Christ,"  its not, and in the 15 years we went there, I am dying to know the truth about the people who "went on sabbatical."  

So there ya have it. I know this is prety direct, and I appreciate the people in my life who have chosen to believe the truth and be true examples of Christ in their daily lives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hate that your family was hurt from within the church. I hate that the people who are suppose to stand for righteousness, turned the other cheek, because it was easier. I only know bits and pieces of your story....but sadly, we have similar injustices and betrayals. Tell your story, Sarah. Be clear, be specific, and be truthful. Stop the silence! <3 Danielle

  3. it would be nice if u actually told the story rather than just making references ..your story leaves me confused ....please fill in the blanks..
    Mr Crown....The Dalles Oregon

  4. David- Not sure if I met you, but I kno who you are. :) My dad would probably be the best person to talk to (Fred, in case the last name threw you off). Long story short, we had attended a church for about 15 years, and one of my siblings was a victim of sexual abuse by another church member. My family was hoping for some emotional help and support from church leadership, but ended up basically being asked to leave the church, and the congregation was never told why we left- hence the post, since on the contrary, lies were being told about us. Probably still a bit vague, but again, chat with my dad about it for more details.

  5. One correction Sarah. It became evident we needed to leave for a variety of reasons. We were never actually asked to leave (in this situation, there was a different one in 2000 or so- I wish I had left then!) It was convenient for the folks at the top who were mostly concerned about protecting their business. (All my opinion of course).

    The ironic thing is no one was truly protected or helped. NO ONE.
