Thursday, March 4, 2010

Finding Myself Again

Hellllloooo blog world.  It's been a long time.  I've always been a big writer, but as life happened, I've gotten away from it and don't write as often as I'd like (or need) to.

I'm coming up on my 2 year wedding anniversary, which really is when my life started it feels like.  I mean, I have a child hood, and a teenage phase, but getting married was what set me on the path to becoming a grown up adult (maybe it does that for everyone, or maybe just for those of us who run off and get married at a "young age" like I did, so we didnt have much time to actually grow up on our own. shrug.)  So now that I'm a 2 year old grown up, I figure it's time to get back to some of the passions and interests I had.  I've spent the last little while first off- being too into the party lifestyle to even give my thoughts, emotions, and gifts a second thought, and then living the life of a married person, which is a bit to get figured out, particularly when you do a complete 180 from what you were doing.  Well, then I had that down decently well, and then God decided that we should have a baby.  And if you've never done THAT before (the having of the baby, not the making part, just to clarify...tehehe.) thats a huge, massive, ridiculous, hard, sleepless, tearful, painful, beautiful, did i say HUGE, adjustment. 

So here I am now, Bella is almost 3 months old, takes decent naps, and kinda sleeps through the night, and I figure it's about time to get back to thinking about things again (my brain has taken a temporary hiatus due to lack of sleep until recently...) , and writing about them.  I could blog on facebook, (well, actually 'post a note') but this is just so much... uh, trendier? more official?  I dunno- just better.  :)

So here we go.   I'm putting myself out there. I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes, cussing, or anything you may find offensive in the future, but it's me, and I'm not the kind of gal to say "bottom" when I'd rather say "ass", for example. 

that's probably it for tonight.  "I don't envy you the headache you will have in the morning, but for now, rest well, and dream of large woman."

good night.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hermosa!!!
    you got your blog! it was about time!
    I love reading what you write!

