Sunday, March 7, 2010

Micah and I

So I figured with our anniversary tommorrow, I've been pretty nostalgic lately, and I thought I'd share that with you...

It all started with a horse.  Micah's parents had been given this crazy horse and they in turn gave him to my mom.  This was like 20 years ago.  Well, one day I was out at the Musick's farm with mom, and standing by the car waiting to leave and Micah's was outside too.  It was about the time of day when mosquitos come out and Micah decided to tell me all about how mosquitos mate for life and all this very important mosquito information.  Mind you we were like 7, so i just thought he was weird and had cooties.  But thats how it all began....

Then we grew up a bit, he started coming to our church, and we started hanging out at the dupea bonfires.  Micah became that safe, cuddly brother (which is like gold to a teenage girl in a time of your life when no guys are safe.) that was always there for me and gave me a big hug every time i saw him.    When I was about 16, I was in the kitchen with my mom one day and announced, "I think I'm going to marry Micah Musick one day.  What do you think about that, mom?"  And she said, "well, he has a good family.  that could be a good thing"

So began my (attempted) secret crush on micah, I'm horrible at secrets!  I had a few boys come and go in my life, but for some reason, when it was all said and done, I would always be writing the breakup entry in my journal, and it would always end with "so and so isnt right for me, maybe, God, you could make this micah thing work out.  cuz he's pretty much the best guy I know."  I remember my bf at the time had taken me on this super romantic date the night before and I went to church the next day and basically ignored him and went and sat next to micah all afternoon.  I still have the pic I took that day.  And micah sat and listened to me tell all about the date I had gone on the night before (he did a good job of pretending he was interested, then turned the conversation to something random...)

Then we hit about 19-20 ish, and both went on dts, and both went to india (at the same time, just different places.) and emailed a bit.  I got home, and I remember we used to talk on the phone all the time.  I really dont know anymore how its possible to spend hours on the phone, but we did.  And then he came home in December, and we were chatting online and he was like, "what are you doing tonight?"  My whole family was at my house and witnessed my ecstatic little dance (I may even have screamed a little... maybe...) cuz i was finally hanging out with Micah Musick, on a kinda date thing...  I was ridiculous. 

anyways, so he came over to pick me.  And my mom told me that the first time she saw us together, she thought, "they are going to have the cutest kids ever!" which we do! So we went to coffee and bowling and had a beer or two on the waterfront.  best night ever.

anyways, we hung out everyday for a month, and 2 days before he was going back to hawaii, I was talking to jason and was like "this kid is never going to ask me out officially.)  I left jason's house and in the time it took me to get to micah's, jason had told him to get his act together or jason would come over and kick his ass.

So he asked me out (in a very cute and awkward fashin...) and left for Hawaii, I left for pullman a few weeks later. 

Every story has its happy parts, and theres always the part where everything seems to fall apart, and you don't know if its going to be a happy ending.  We are at that part of this little story...

When I went to pullman, my life took a downward turn.  bad.  I ended up having to call micah in Hawaii to tell him that I had cheated on him and that basically, in nicer words, that I wanted to do whatever the hell I wanted and didnt want to be bothered with having to answer for my actions or have anything holding me back.  Maybe we can work it out when you get home.

and thats what i did.  not such a proud moment in my history, but its a huge part in this story.

Well, towards the end of my time in pullman, i began to realize how dumb i had been.  I had basically thrown away the one thing I had wanted for years, for a few too many beers and stupid frat boys.  dumb. dumb. dumb. 

When micah got home, we started hanging out.  And you know, even though tons was between us, we got through it.  there were a few really hard conversations, but we pushed through those and made a promise to never lie about anything, past, present or for the future. we pulled out all our skeletons and told every secret.  People to this day think its crazy that we literally talk about everything, but thats just what we do, and its how we rebuilt a lot of lost trust and got through what had happened. 

And since then, we have grown up together.  We were (still are) just 2 kids that didnt have any idea what to do with our lives and decided to figure it out together.  the only thing that was for sure was that we wanted to be together forever.  So we got engaged.  Planned our wedding in 3 weeks (no joke!). Life was pretty crazy there for a while, but we figured it out and did a lot of growing up together.  We are kind of the poster kids for the song "all you need is love." 

And now, here we are.  and believe me when i say that if it wasnt for micah, i wouldnt be where i am today.  he kinda saved my life.  and i think i probably saved his. The greatest compliment we have ever gotten was from caleb.  One day we were talking about marriage and family, and he said, "wait, Micah and Sarah are MARRIED!?"  "yah, thats why we live together."  and he said, "Well, I just thought you lived together cuz you are best friends."

and thats pretty much it.  best friends. 

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