Friday, March 12, 2010

What I've Learned Lately.

I'm sitting at my computer while Bella is happily squealing at the blue sheep and pink pig on her bouncy seat, and thinking about all the things I've learned since being a mom. 

1.  Eating fast.  I have learned the art that whether its a few crackers and cheese, or a steak and potato, I can eat anything in under 5 minutes,  I think I may just start asking the waitresses for a small garden shovel instead of a fork. 

2.  How to do ANYTHING one-handed.  eating, dishes, texting, emailing, facebooking.  You name it and I've probably done it. 

3.  How to sleep like my husband.  I have always been a light sleeper.  If I woke up at night, it took me a while to fall back asleep.  The smallest sound woke me up.  Now, my head hits the pillow, and I am OUT.  Like GONE.  Micah has gotten in and out of bed, the dog has licked me, I've had conversations!  all while staying totally and completely in sleepyland.  but this leads me to the next lesson-

4.  How to be awake, out of bed with pants on in less than ten seconds.  So I'm a pantless sleeper, and now, I can get out of bed, put my pants on and have a bottle made before I even completely open my eyes.  "Getting out of bed" used to take ten or fifteen minutes, just to get my feet on the ground, now try ten seconds! GANGSTA!

5.  That my mom was always right.  always.

6.  God definitely sends you a baby a lot like yourself.  Part of the reason I've become a very prayerful person lately.  Some are desperate prayers for my own sanity and part are prayers that she will be more like her dad and less like me, so she will hopefully avoid some of the stupid things I did.  But when she's screaming for 2 hours because she refused to take a nap that afternoon, I hear my mom's voice coming out of my mouth. "Every choice has a consequence, and now you are exhausted and emotional because at nap time, you made a bad choice.  This is why I tell you and try to help you take a nap everyday.  I know you don't believe me, but Mommy knows best honey.  Stop fighting it and go to sleep"  Mind you, she's 3 months old and can't make a conscious choice not to sleep, but I'm getting my practice in for later.

7.  Priorities.  Shower?  Sleep? or Eat?   Never in my life did I think that those three things would be the reason for much debate.  Up until this point, they were all rights, requirements, and basic neccessities.  Now, there are times when I'm like, "I got maybe a half hour.  Eat?  nah that can wait til this afternoon.  I'm gonna sleep.  But I havent taken a shower in a day or two... hmmmm Shower now, eat next nap, and sleep in the afternoon, if she goes down."

8.   That the days of uninterrupted hours of house cleaning were truly gold, not chores.  How about the hours of uninterrupted ANYTHING.

9.  That baby vomit isn't really that bad.  I just try to convince myself it's Vera Wang's new perfume.  or something...  Not to mention, I have never been peed on as much (or EVER) as i have been the last three months. 

10.  Quiet is amazing.  It feels like a party when the volume on our TV is in the double digits, or if we are actually playing our OWN music and not lullabies.  Not to mention, you begin to notice how loud all your friends are.  Their normal tone of voice sounds like a yell if they happen to be around during naptime or bedime.

11.  It's all worth it.  The smiles, cuddles, and little squeaks (Bella is very squeaky lately) make everything seem perfect, and like its what I must have been meant to do. 

That's all for today, kids.  I've got a crying baby that needs me to save the day!